A downloadable game

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Crystal Healing is a trilogy of tabletop roleplaying games designed to help you and your friends tell emotionally charged evocative stories based on sets of particular principles of various crystals. They were designed during the writing of the album Panorama by La Dispute as collaborative thought experiments that would help us explore prospective musical and lyrical themes from the record in a safe and fun way.

The games included in Crystal Healing are:

Rose Quartz - A group of people attending a funeral for a common companion. Examining the impact of interpersonal relationships, the grieving process, and self-doubt. Uses a block tower mechanic to physically represent the destabilization of one’s emotions in extreme circumstance.

Agate Blue Lace - A group of prisoners, caught red handed and waiting for sentencing, use flashbacks to discover where it all went wrong. Examining concepts of camaraderie, morality, and communication. Uses a simple dice mechanic to emphasize ideas of fate and what one can do to influence or change it.

Rhodonite - A group of heroes in their final showdown with their nemesis. Examining ethics, consequence, and what it is to be a “hero.” Uses a colored token mechanic to emphasize how your choices may affect others.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tagsanthology, crystals, emotional, GM-Less, healing, story-game


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Crystal Healing PDF.pdf 5.1 MB
crystal healing character sheet.pdf 1.1 MB

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